Crisis Management

Crisis management is an inevitable but unenviable part of having a brand that exists in the public sphere. In our three decades as a creative public relations firm, we have dealt with many people and brands within a variety of industries including art, beauty, healthcare, law and food, who need support during a time of crisis. If a story is being researched that runs contrary to the image we know our client wants and deserves, we have a track record of helping to kill, or at least soften, the story before it’s published. If a story is actually published, we have a track record of developing an immediate strategy that counteracts the negative story and communicates the brands key messages in a positive way.

If an important event has been mishandled or affected by last-minute unforeseen factors, we make it our job to keep the show running smoothly. If your brand or reputation is being upstaged by competitors in your field, we identify the right media contacts who will shine light what you do and explain why it merits attention.

R. Couri Hay Creative PR understands that good reputations are integral to doing good business. Good publicity, in times of crisis, means being able to manipulate the complex machinery of 24-hour broadcast, print and digital outlets. This requires personal relationships with editors and journalists at media organizations that are otherwise impenetrable, as well as an understanding about how to operate in conjunction with media people. We pride ourselves on the professionalism, expertise and creativity that we bring to our dealings with the media, especially when our client’s public image is on the line.