Public Relations is the Secret to Building Your Medical Practice

A public relations campaign for doctors and medical experts is very important in today’s world. One of the main reasons is that you need to be aware of how you are perceived by the public, and a public relations campaign allows you to craft that narrative. A person’s health is his or her most valuable asset, and to most, there is nothing more important than picking the right doctor for yourself or your family. No one wants to put their health in the hands of someone they don’t trust, and second to word of mouth, reading about someone who was featured in an editorial piece is a great way to earn consumer trust.

People want to see a waiting office (or a website) filled with plaques of media outlets you have been featured in from third-party sources. Subconsciously, this makes them feel more comfortable with you and builds trust. And, let’s be honest, if you were looking for a top doctor in a particular city or field, what would be more compelling to you as a consumer: An article in a newspaper or magazine that talks about you and your specialty, or a direct mail piece that comes in the mail with a coupon for $100 off Botox?! A potential patient does not choose a physician in the same way he or she looks for a new cell phone or is looking to have their house cleaned. In addition, people can become overwhelmed by all the choices they have when it comes to choosing a medical professional, and having a successful PR campaign helps distinguish you from the rest.

R. Couri Hay Creative PR has a strong reputation for executing very successful public relations campaigns for doctors because of the way we are able to integrate them into real-life stories in the media. RCHCPR has represented hundreds of brands and professionals throughout the years and has a unique way of getting media placements. We have placed doctors and medical specialists in a wide range of media outlets including The New York Times, CNN, Allure, Psychology Today, Wall Street Journal, Men’s Health and Cosmopolitan, as well as hundreds of other local and national media outlets. The public relations campaigns for doctors that RCHCPR has completed build practices and establishes clients as experts in their field.