Mercedes de Guardiola, Marcella and Gregg Hymowitz, Euginia Bullock, Oliver Young, Alice Berman, Liddy Berman, David Chines, Rebecca Cohen and Todd Cohen, and Liza Fefferman, led the perfumed pack to The Society of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center’s Associates Fall Party at the Plaza Hotel.

Joanna Jagoda & Barkley Hickox & Anne Roy & Melissa Crandall & Mercedes de Guardiola & Katie Peek Tochilin (Photo by BFA)

This year’s ball supported the Society’s pediatric fundraising initiative, the MSK Kids Wellness Initiative, which is dedicated to mental wellness care. MSK’s assistant attending psychologist, Marie Barnett, PhD, SAID, “We are focusing on accessibility, action, and impact on mental wellness—this initiative brings the often invisible and intangible aspects of children’s mental health to the forefront.” Prada sponsored the black tie fall fete for the second year in a row.

Partygoers enjoyed cocktails, dinner, and dancing to mixes by DJ Twilo. The night’s chairs and junior chairs were Serena Miniter, Melissa Crandall, Barkley Hickox, Mercedes de Guardiola, Joanna Jagoda Roche, Anne Roy, Katie Tochilin, Adèle Bernhard, Bates Crawford, Carter Moore Leachman, and Francesca Walton with Claudia Overstrom serving as their president.

Janna Bullock & R. Couri Hay
Lesley Vecsler & Marcella Hymowitz (Photo by BFA)
Muffie Potter Aston & Mercedes de Guardiola (Photo by BFA)
Ariana Weisner & Laura Klein (Photo by BFA)
Eugenia Bullock & Guest (Photo by BFA)
Amanda Kahn (Photo by BFA)
Trisha Gregory & Madeline O Malley (Photo by BFA)

The event raised $950,000.