New York City Diversified. The weather in New York City is a 4-course meal served warm, cold, springy and rainy throughout 365 days. New Yorkers are blessed with varied...
Finding the best public relations agency- R. Couri’s take! Finding the appropriate and suitable public relations agency for your business/product could be a real tough task and would require...
The health and beauty market in the US is booming and looks set to rise further as products are developed in the male beauty market, and the mature health...
Public relations (PR) is a powerful marketing tool that companies can utilize to improve visibility, build credibility, and, ultimately, increase sales and revenue potential. PR campaigns can also be...
PR management lies at the heart of marketing management. The business entities remain focused on public relations management for the entire year. It starts before selling has even started...
Introduction In June 2019, BBC launched its out-of-the-box promotional campaign for Peaky Blinders Season-5. BBC announced that it needed fans of the cult show to submit their show-centric art...
Introduction Ask any business expert about the success of a nascent business enterprise or about transforming your established local business into a multinational giant, and they will most likely...
New York City Public Relations Improves Public Image of Firm Personal injury law firms can easily suffer negative images from the public. A solution for this may be to...
Introduction On May 29, 2018, Starbucks Coffee Company closed down more than 8,000 coffee stores across the United States to conduct a racial-bias training session for its nearly 175,000...
Introduction Siva Devaki, Co-Founder & Co-CEO at MassMailer Inc., once said, “sale is not about selling anymore, but about building trust and educating.” He was right, as now customers...