MAD LOOT and Zandra Rhodes are Landing on Columbus Circle by R. COURI HAY Photographed by GENE NOCON “You can still call me Zandra,” says fashion designer Zandra Rhodes...
A Fete for the Philharmonic at David Geffen Hall by R. COURI HAY Photos by CHRIS LEE Late in January, the New York Philharmonic held its sixth-annual Chinese New...
ART BASEL MIAMI BEACH – VIP PREVIEW by R. COURI HAY Photos courtesy Patrick McMullan If you find it a challenge to read through these four days of Art...
ANOTHER DAY OF FUN IN THE SUN & ART by R. COURI HAY Image Source: Dear, dear Reader, Here’s Day Three of my Miami diary featuring Art, Art...
DAY TWO OF MIAMI’S BIGGEST ART CELEBRATION by R. COURI HAY Photographed by AARON DAVIDSON/GETTY IMAGES FOR ART MIAMI Castro’s Dead! Cuban artist, Aurora Molina, claims that she put...
ONE OF MIAMI’S MOST ARTFUL & GLAMOROUS WEEKS by R. COURI HAY Image Source: The Mission This is the first in a series of posts on the comings and...