What is Crisis Management?

Crisis management planning is the formulation and application of strategies to deal with a sudden negative event. Negative events are a part of any business, organization, brand or individual growth. A crisis can occur due to unforeseen and unplanned circumstances or as a backlash from planned events which do not pan out as expected.

Essentially, crisis management is the art of problem-solving, troubleshooting and management and handling your image when the going gets tough. How you handle yourself in a crisis can have long terms effects on your brand image and reputation, even after the crisis is over.

What can you do to tackle a crisis?

The main objectives of tackling any crisis in the organization are
a. Reputation preservation and
b. Damage control.

Professional full-service press and public relations companies are important allies for brands and organizations in dealing with crises and ensuring that the situation doesn’t hamper the brand’s reputation and image. Most reputed, experienced, and professionally managed Public relations agencies have dedicated strategic units that provide in-depth crisis management planning. These units develop strategies broadly based on the following:

  • Identify risks
  • Define an action plan
  • Establish a crisis unit
  • Designate and train a spokesperson
  • Define messages to transmit
  • Make space for crisis management
  • Stay positive

Where does a PR firm come in?

PR firms and agencies have in-depth knowledge of how the media and press function and react to news. PR firms help in creating messaging and managing the brand reputation and image in the public and press limelight. A good PR firm can not only minimize the negative impact that crises have on a brand, but may also be able to turn the crisis into an opportunity for brand image enhancement and building trust with the customers. PR firms can act as spokespersons on behalf of the organization or train company spokespersons in developing and delivering the correct messaging.
A professional PR firm is a powerful ally and partner for any brand or organization, especially in difficult times.

How R. Couri Hay Creative PR can help you

R. Couri Hay Creative PR is a professional and experienced full service press and public relations agency which manages brands such as Chopard, Bvlgari, Prada & many more.
The excellent relations that Couri Hay has developed and maintained with the press over his glittering career, serve as a positive contact and immensely help brands and organizations build a lasting rapport with the media.
R. Couri Hay Creative PR has extensive experience in dealing with and promoting varied situations and events and can serve as your brand’s voice and messaging partner. We offer the following services to our clients and have the talent, ability and resources to propel your brand image and reputation to new heights.


  • Crisis Management
  • Planning & PR
  • Strategic Planning
  • Branding
  • Publicity

Other PR Services :

  • Social Media
  • Event Management.

Conclusion :

Whether it’s a Brand or Individual, Crisis can hit you at any point of time. Such situations require quick action but with a proper plan. Contact – R. Couri Hay CPR for all kinds of Crisis Management Planning & PR services along with other public relations services.