Establishing a Luxury Health and Beauty Brand

The health and beauty market in the US is booming and looks set to rise further as products are developed in the male beauty market, and the mature health space. 

For new starters in the market, then, this is an excellent time to establish a business. Meanwhile, for established brands, this is the moment to consider diversifying your product portfolio in anticipation of the future market changes. In both cases, an experienced and responsive PR agency can help you get on the map.

Bypassing Influencers

Small beauty and healthcare companies often attempt to enter the public domain and gain visibility through influencers of Instagram and YouTube. This strategy has proven successful at encouraging small numbers of younger people to purchase products. 

On the other hand, by engaging the services of a Healthcare PR agency such as R. Couri Hay, you can entirely bypass the social media and digital marketing strategies in favor of instant access to tier one publications and media organizations.

Tier One Coverage

Getting covered in what we call ‘tier-one’ media is a proven way to reach the mass market with your health and beauty products – often in ways which can have a lasting positive impact for your brand and your products. 

Tier one media outlets include national television news, national magazines, and some of the most popular newspapers in the US – many of which are read worldwide. Our access to these institutions, and the trusted contacts we have in each of them, offer you unprecedented opportunities to get your products seen and admired across the country. 

Your Target Market

Each health and beauty brand has a target market. If you’re looking for the services of a PR agency, it’s likely that your products are mid-range or higher and marketed towards an older demographic. Your products are considered ‘luxury’, and you need to associate with other luxury brands and media outlets. 

When we work with brands, we don’t segment markets as digital marketers do. We know that your association with the pages of Glamour magazine, or Cosmopolitan, is enough to prove that your luxury products are well-suited to their audiences. We can get you in those pages, and we can work with you to find the audiences of tier-one media that you know will love your products.

Positive Reviews

Finally, PR is also about mitigating against bad reviews, dealing with negative publicity, and being able to turn a bad news story into a good one. With experienced friends in the media and tried-and-tested strategies for mitigating PR mishaps, we’re at hand to offer our services to boost your health and beauty brand in all circumstances.

Getting in Touch

Contacting one of our representatives will help you to further understand how you’ll be able to conquer the health and beauty market with smart PR strategies in 2020 and beyond. We’ll be able to offer expert guidance and advice at the preliminary stage to show you some of our successes, some relevant case studies, and what you might be able to expect when entering into a partnership with R. Couri Hay in the coming weeks and months.