Finding the best public relations agency- R. Couri's take!

Finding the appropriate and suitable public relations agency for your business/product could be a real tough task and would require a proper research before coming to a conclusion and eventually closing out with the right PR agency.

Couri Hay, the CEO of R. Couri Hay Creative Public Relations, a full-service press & PR agency and has also co-founded The Park Magazine serving as the Editorial Director of the company. R. Couri Hay Creative Public Relations has represented Prada, Harry Winston, Bergdorf Goodman, BULGARI, Krug and Veuve Clicquot among many other luxury brands. RCHCPR was also featured on Expertise’s 2022 list of Top NYC PR firms for the sixth year in a row from a list of 401 companies in NYC.

With such immense exposure and the best of experiences, R. Couri Hay lists out the major points one should consider before choosing the best public relations agency for his/her business.

Business & Budget

Start with analyzing and categorizing your own business because most of the PR agency firms offer services based on their client’s respective business genre. For example, if you are a brand say like Apple inc. your business would require PR services like branding of products, social media marketing and so on. Likewise a Celebrity or Public Figure would require publicity and different types of campaign marketing services. Once you are sure about your business category it will ease a lot of complexion which will help you to finalize the right and suitable PR services for your business.

Knowing what kind of PR services are required for your business will help you to map down the budget for the respective service(s). Post which you can approach the particular public relations agency with a clear mind. There are always chances to miss out on something. Do not worry, if you are in the hands of a genuine PR agency, they would suggest the best of options for your business. 

Check out how PR services are offered according to Business Categorization-  Clients at R. Couri Hay- Public Relations Firm in NYC 

Market Research

In the Public Relations agency market there are numerous options to choose from. Almost each one of them would claim that they are the best public relations agency existing on this planet! But it is your duty to choose the best for YOUR business. As discussed before, this would only be possible when you know where your business categorizes and what PR services it requires. And of course budget plays the most important role.

This is where Market Research comes in. The perfect PR agency should qualify those 3 aspects,

  • Professionalism & Popularity- Whomsoever you decide to go with, check first if they are that popular to offer you the right amount of audience.
  • Availability of the right PR services- The PR services which they are offering you, is that even required for your business?
  • Suitable Budget- Ultimately it all comes down to the right budget. Of course if you are getting some quality services that are exactly needed for your business you tend to fluctuate with the original amount a bit. It’s always beneficial to play smart.

To know more about all the PR services on offer, check this out-  Public Relations Services in New York City- R. Couri Hay

Final Round!

Finalize at least 2-3 PR firms matching the above criteria and start negotiating with them. Keeping options always helps as you would have a fair estimate of 2-3 different PR agencies. This could be beneficial if it doesn’t work with the original one because love at first sight is a myth. *Wink!*

The Closure.

Keeping the options handy, close out the deal with ‘ The best public relations agency ‘ for YOUR business needs and budget. Ask them to provide regular reports of the offered PR services so as to keep a track on the results and outcomes. 

Looking for a PR firm in NYC? Contact- R. Couri Hay Creative PR