The Hollywood Reporter: Natali Yura

The Hollywood Reporter has the inside scoop of how the Hollywood A-listers spent their holiday season, including our client Natali Yura’s last minute get away to Aspen. This holiday season the weather has been nothing but unpredictable. Hopefully it didn’t ruin any of your holiday plans, wherever you may be the West Cost or East Coast. But for the Hollywood stars and A-list celebrities unfortunately the Hurricane season definitely destroyed their holiday plans and destinations. In September, Hurricane Irma completely swept through the Caribbean and destroyed St. Barts’ airport and damaged hotels, which is a typical celebrity holiday getaway. From Christmas Eve to New Years Day, the celebrity hot spot is St. Barts where you’ll see reservations for celebrity royalty such as Leonardo Dicaprio, Uma Thurman, Ellen DeGeneres, David Letterman, and our client Natali Yura. Read The Hollywood Reporter to see what the a-listers did instead this holiday season. This caused many celebrities to to relocate their Holiday bash parties and head to Miami, Hawaii, Aspen and even Asia making the prices go skyrocket the normal rates around this time of year.

If you plan or wanted to visit the luxury island of St. Barts you unfortunately have to be willing to wait awhile and also pay a pretty penny.

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