Long Island Pulse: Make Your House Smell Like Christmas With Tips From Andrea Correale

Christmas time is here and everyone has their decorations up throughout the house with figurines your family has been collecting throughout the years. Or maybe even arts and crafts the kid shave been making throughout grade school. The snowmen made out of cups, or the reindeer made out of the handprints, or the home made ornaments hanging on the tree. Wither you have angel or star on the top of your tree there is nothing like having a real tree in the house to bring that real alive Christmas smell spirit alive but what if you can’t have a real tree? You still probably want to bring in that holiday spirit of some sort. Well here are some great tips on Long Island Pulse that Andrea Correale from Elegant Affairs have put together to help you make your house smell like a Christmas wonderland. From tips to have, guests thinking there are fresh vanilla cookies in the oven to trick even you thinking there is fresh pine everywhere. ->Here!