NBC 10 News: SnoHub, the Snow Removal App

It looks like NBC 10 News has given their viewers a way to shovel all their snow problems away! The app SnoHub, created by James Albis, gives homeowners a way to find contractors in their area to help clear away any unwanted snow.

Known as the Uber of snow plowing services, the app works in a similar fashion to the on demand car service. After entering the address of where the snow clearing service is needed a notification is sent to contractors in the area. Albis says a response will usually come within an hour or so. Parents and kids alike are excited about the app and what it can do for them. The app has 5,000 downloads so far and 450 certified contractors registered.

Watch the feature on NBC 10 News feature to learn more about the app and how you can use it to get your driveway cleared after the next big snowstorm.

Watch the feature -> HERE