New York Daily News – October 7th, 2017

Marianne Bertuna
, who is the President of the NYC Chapter of the Columbian Lawyers Association, had a closed-door meeting with over 100 lawyers and judges from the Confederation of Italian Americans. The group is marshaling legal support to save the statue of Christopher Columbus that was renovated five years ago with the multi-million price tag picked up by the cityThe group is organizing a petition to send to Mayor De Blasio that will be signed by over 1,000 members to protest the possible removal of the historical statue in Columbus Circle on the UWS. Bertuna said, “The statue of Christopher Columbus is the most important symbol of Italian American pride in the city and should not be taken away from New Yorkers.” Bertuna, who is married to fellow attorney Arthur Aidala, will lead the group during the Columbus Day parade today  (October 9th) behind the Confederation’s banner to honor their heritage. The completed petition will be sent to City Hall in November. ​Read all the details in today’s New York Daily News’ Confidential lead story.